Reiki Holy Fire Certification Training ART/MASTER


Reiki Holy Fire ONLINE Certification Training ART/Master

Reiki Holy Fire is among the many versions of healing energy coming to the Earth right now in answer to our collective prayers. This energy is noticeably more refined and assists us to reach new levels of consciousness, healing, and freedom.

Holy Fire is the flame of divine love that our spirit and life force is made of, the spark of GOD that exists in everything. The energy and vibration of the HOLY FIRE Reiki Master symbol comes directly from Source, where all there is, is LOVE, the place of pure consciousness, beyond duality, form and individuation, it is pure love, which is at the core of all creation. When we invite Holy Fire reiki in, we are directly connected to the source and guidance of pure divine love. Unconditional love.

When we are surrounded in so much love our ability to heal increases dramatically, and its a place where we are aware of our unlimited potential and what we are capable of, its a place where we remember who we are.

Holy Fire is a direct download from the Divine.

Holy Fire® energy is noticeably more refined and comes from a higher level of consciousness. Some of the qualities students have experienced include:

I am so honoured to be offering reiki Holy Fire training online. Reiki energy is here for us, it adapts its frequency as we evolve, when and how we need it. Although I am a Reiki Master Teacher, I am always a student. I am constantly taking courses and implementing spiritual practices into my life to upgrade my frequency, awareness and energy field so I can be of greater service to others. Recently I have been initiated with a higher frequency so I can now facilitate reiki attunements/placements online to meet the needs of how the world is right now. 

This is a wonderful new energy that looks and feels beautiful. It heals by making it easier for students to become the Authentic-Self. When this process happens, the parts that need healing are counseled by the Brothers and Sisters of the light. In these sessions the parts are able to express all their concerns and as they do this, they are healed! This takes place in the background of ones awareness, on one of the higher heavens while the individual focuses on the Authenic-Self. And it is the revealing of the Authentic-Self that does the healing. It is the pathway of unification in which ones self image merges with the authentic self. It is the pathway to empowerment.

***What To Expect and Pre Requiremets***

To qualify to take this class a student must have taken Reiki I&II and practiced Reiki II for at least six months. Also, a student must be able to draw the three symbols from Reiki II from memory. 

In the process of learning the healing techniques and attunements, and taking part in the guided meditations, each student will receive many healing experiences.

  • The Usui/Holy Fire® Master attunement which increases the strength of your Reiki energy.
  • The Usui Master symbol which increases the effectiveness of the Reiki II symbols and can be used for healing.
  • Practice using the Usui master symbol for treatments.
  • How to make a Reiki grid that will continue to send Reiki to yourself and others after it is charged.
  • Reiki aura clearing that allows you to remove negative psychic energy from yourself and others and send it to the light.
  • The Holy Love experience in which Divine Love is placed in your heart.
  • The Heavenly Banquet Hall Experience
  • The Pre-ignition and the Healing Fire ignition.
  • Both Reiki III Usui/Holy Fire® Master ignitions.
  • Instruction on how to give Reiki attunements for Reiki I&II, ART and the pre-ignition, both ignitions for Reiki Master and the Healing Fire ignition.
  • The Usui/Holy Fire® Healing attunement that can be given to anyone and directs the powerful attunement energies to heal.
  • The Usui/Holy Fire® system of attunements and ignitions is taught as used by the Center and the Usui system of attunements is explained.
  • The Holy Fire® symbol is given for a total of five for the entire system.
  • Lots of practice time practicing attunements.
  • How to give yourself attunements and ignitions. /li>
  • The values and spiritual orientation of a true Reiki Master. <
  • The How to teach including going over the class outline as well as how to develop and promote your Reiki business. 
  • Learn about the formless realms, the 12 heavens/dimensions
  • learn about the Brothers and Sisters of the light and how to connect
  • Heal spirit attachments
  • Learn shamanic techniques as well as breath work and qigong to ground and balance your energy.
  • The 186 page class manual and reiki crystal grid
  • Certificate
  • Monthly Group Zoom calls for Deeper teachings, healing meditations, frequency upgrades/ignitions, questions and practice.
  • you will also be added to a private facebook group to connect with our liked minded souls


Instruction is given on the Usui/Holy Fire® system of attunements and ignitions. Other variations are also outlined in the class manual. Over half the class time is used for practice so the student becomes confident in administering Reiki attunements and ignitions. Students practice giving attunements on each other so that each student receives many attunements. The Healing attunement and Aura Clearing (psychic surgery) is given and received by all students. This class is a powerful healing experience. While the content of the class will allow anyone to pass the ability to do Reiki on to others and to teach if one chooses, many take the class for their own use or to use with family and friends.

This class is a deeply healing experience.
****Cost, $850(discounted price) Payment Plans available. To be added to wait list or to find out the dates of this training please email or to book a discovery call please see the HOME page.

Kristen is a Certified Holy Fire III Reiki Master who is registered in The International Centre For Reiki Training. She is also Trained in shamanic teachings, ceremony and space holding as well as esoteric healing, kundalini yoga, Qigong, pranayama (breath work),embodiment work, womb healing and stone medicine.

Looking forward to sharing sacred space space with you.

Blessings and Love,
